
Wilchester Elementary Pre-K Box

Box Price: $89.12
Add-on items: $0.00
Total Adding To Cart:

* prices automatically adjust as you change quantities or add optional items.

Box is for:
Please provide
Please provide

Add-on Items
$1 Donation

Suggested quantity: 1

$5 Donation

Suggested quantity: 1

$10 Donation

Suggested quantity: 1

$25 Donation

Suggested quantity: 1

Required Items
Spiral Notebook 1 Sub Wide Rule Yellow 70ct
Quantity: 1
Play-Doh Modeling Compound 1 Can, Assorted Colors (EACH)
Quantity: 4
Kleenex Tissues Large Box
Quantity: 2
Crayola Washable Markers Conical/Broad Tip Classic Colors 8ct
Quantity: 3
Crayola Crayons 24ct
Quantity: 3
2-Pocket Folder 3-Hole Punched Poly Red
Quantity: 1
Crayola Washable Watercolor Paints w/Brush 8ct
Quantity: 1
Elmer's Washable School Glue White 4oz
Quantity: 6
Expo Low Odor Dry Erase Marker Fine Assorted 4ct (BK,BL,RD,GN)
Quantity: 1
Fiskars Scissors Blunt 5"
Quantity: 1
Rest Mat Vinyl 4-Section Red/Blue 5/8x19x45
Quantity: 1

Product Notice: Due to global product shortages, quantities of certain items are limited.

Teacher Note:
Please see the add-on section for donation options for the school.

The price of this supply box includes bulk items for your grade.